30 April 2006

Daily Space with God Epilogue and New Creation

The following thoughts from Phyllis Tickle capture an end to this course that feels appropriate. I'm not sure I can fully articulate the connection with her meditations but they compel me to a truthful life in which God is not just outside of my priorities, but rather is all. Saying that Jesus is number one in my life is yet to terribly misunderstand. He is supposed to be my life. "Stitches do take the time they are made in and spend it to change the people who are making them." What a blessing to lead lives of intention in God where disciplines and hard work provide for beautiful art and also transform us through the time taken. This is to live truthfully, and for me is existentialism at its best.

When hands and thoughts are occupied in the goodness of small and needful creation, the spirit rests that deep rest in which it can attend itself and be attended by the sacred. Distrustful always of the time and circumstance entwined in human perceptions, my father spoke with his attention the established prayers of the psalms and the church and tradition; but he sent his spirit, refreshed and whole, when he would speak as himself to God. The result, like its motivation, was a singular reverence as well as a simple gift that wanted passing along.
This is my last official semester at Hartford Seminary. After this I will be working on my special project, a thesis-type experience. What a wonderful way to transition to the next phase God has for me...