05 March 2006

Narcissism of a sort

I've been blogging for over two hours on singleness and the result has been numbing. No matter what I write there is a theological hammer that hits me in the head to say that my pain isn't justified. There are so many that have legitimate hurts and concerns. The wife who's struggling in pregnancy and home, but continues to inspire. The elderly in the convalescent home that feels fear thick and has no one to cry to. The migrant worker constantly wondering if INS will catch up or disease will overtake his child. So much real pain. The conclusion is clear, I should not feel what I feel.

Peace, contentment, joy. That's what it's supposed to be about. Worship, praise, loving. That's what you're supposed to do. Beauty, peace-making, communion. That's what you're to instill. But what happens when you've tried for years and the theology can't break through the experience? You can try redefining success or you can take responsibility, but either course seems to lead to the same place. I know it's impossible to come to a conclusion on something like this. I guess it's just venting in the end. And it's two in the morning, so perhaps later in the day will be unique and different...


Blogger friend said...

Where did that picture come from? Super sweet.

And about those feelings- you are right we all feel them - but I think you are wrong to think that you should not feel that way...I think you are right.

and I think it is that feeling that draws us ever back to the the only source that can fill our deepest phychosis (cause brother I feel my own clearly as I pray.. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...help me now.)

Sunday, March 5, 2006 at 10:18:00 AM EST  
Blogger Seeker said...

I like the picture!! Don't be someone that you are not. Also, allow God to change you and make you who you were to be. STRUGGLE, DOUBT, and BE FRUSTRATED with everything and allow it to make you rely on God. Be at peace, content, and joy with these things in Christ.

Sunday, March 5, 2006 at 1:22:00 PM EST  
Blogger Learner said...

The words have been very encouraging.

The painting is one I photographed in Holland. I think its a Kandinsky (sp?). That was a pretty amazing trip where I spent a lot of time in museums. I'm hoping to work some of those photos thoughout the blog.

Monday, March 6, 2006 at 8:06:00 AM EST  

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